unsaponifiable matter

  • n.不皂化物
unsaponifiable matterunsaponifiable matter
  1. Studies on Key Factors and Mechanisms Influencing the Content of Unsaponifiable Matter during Rosin Analysis


  2. Thermal stability of hydrogenated rosin was poor if iron content > 21.5 mg / kg and unsaponifiable matter content > 7.1 % .


  3. Chemical constituents of unsaponifiable matter from seed oil of Momordica cochinchinensis


  4. Effects of oil of Piper longum unsaponifiable matter on cholesterol in experimental hypercholesterolemic mice


  5. Test methods for acid value , saponification value , ester value , iodine value , hydroxyl value and unsaponifiable matter of chemical products


  6. Animal and vegetable fats and oils & Determination of unsaponifiable matter Part 2 : Rapid method using hexane extractio


  7. Study on chemical constituents of unsaponifiable matter in CHLOROPHYLL-CAROTENE paste from needles and twigs of Picea schrenkiana


  8. The object of research is Badong Red Clover , the physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition and unsaponifiable matter constituents had been investigated in the thesis .


  9. Rice bran oil contains more unsaponifiable matter than other vegetable oils , such as vitamin E 、 oryzanol 、 sterol and squalene .


  10. The unsaponifiable matter was isolated and purified by silica gel column chromatography . 9 compounds were elucidated by means of MS , IR , UV , and H-NMR .


  11. Compared with the solvent method , the obtained aqueous enzymatic walnut oil had the following quality attributes : the higher transparency , lighter color , better taste , lower free fatty acid value , lower unsaponifiable matter contents , few phosphatides , but poorer oxidative stability .
